Tuesday 15 June 2021

Ice cream day :)

We had a visit from an ice cream van and every child got an ice cream cone. We were VERY excited!!

Our Easter Party! :)

 These are photos from our fun Easter party. We made Easter baskets, which we filled with little treats and had a fun party listening to music and dancing.


 We have been very busy over the past few months planting seeds and watching them grow.

This is when we planted them:

Our plants have started to grow:

The shoots have begun to grow tall, we have lots of green leaves at the moment:

We are looking forward to seeing our plants flower.

Art Club

Some children from both the first classes took part in an online art club. During remote learning this was a lovely hour a week for the children to relax, chat and complete beautiful art work.
Please take a look at some of our creations:

Our Lego Project!

 The children have worked so hard on our Lego project and we have had so much fun. They designed places in their city and thought about how they could make it inclusive of everyone, while also being eco friendly.

Please follow this link to watch our video: 
